Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm Baaaaack...

Yep. You heard it. I am finally doing this and doing it right.  I am going to give it another go (after absolutely failing miserably at blogging the first time) and I just know it's going to be great, right? :)  I am going to be diligent with this blog and I am going to be proud of myself for doing it.  After much thought, I still can't figure out why my blogging was disastrous the first go-round, but I have a totally new attitude!  A MILLION THINGS have happened since Landon was scared of ladybugs (hehe).  Here is my catch-up list...

1.) Landon grew (without my permission) and keeps growing into this totally awesome person. Daily, I look in his dark brown eyes and wonder how I was so lucky to be chosen to be his mother. Funny, smart, caring, perfect, haaaandsome and sweet.  Dude, he rocks!

2.) I birthed the most amazing little being in all of the world...Kellen!! To be around him is to smile. He is perfection and he is mine. I truly think Scott and I could co-write a new edition of "The Happiest Baby On The Block"!!!  Ahhh...bliss I tell you, bliss!

With Love (and good intentions),

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