Sunday, December 18, 2011

Secret Santa

Because of the insanely bratty child that I used to be, I am making it a huge priority to teach my children the importance of giving this season. I am trying to take the focus off of presents for Christmas (In fact, Scott and I still have ALL of our shopping left to do.) and I am really trying to make memories as a family. I don't remember any gifts I got as a child, but I do remember the fun things we would do during the season. Memories. Memories. Memories.

Today was storybook. We baked cookies ALL DAY...

Nana and Lan-Man were a great baking team

The decorating was Landon's favorite part...

for obvious reasons.

Then, after the cookies were all baked and decorated to perfection (ha!), Landon made a special tag to let our friends know that "Santa" made their cookie delivery.

And we were on our way for our "Secret Mission"!

House by house, Landon would quietly get out of the car and sneak up to the doors to carefully place the cookies he had worked so hard to bake on our friends doorsteps. His tiny, little fingers would reach up to the doorbells that he would so sweetly ring...

And then he would Run Like Hell!!
He would run as fast as his little feet would allow and then he would jump in the car; all while yelling, "go, go, go!". It was so fun!

Santa only got caught a couple of times. :)

The cherry on top was when dear Rose called to tell Landon that "Santa" had come to her house. She told him that Santa hadn't left cookies at her house in her whole life. Landon smiled the whole time and when they hung up he squealed, "It worked! It worked! We sricked (tricked) her! She thinks Santa brought them!".

 I loved that Landon loved doing this for others. He already said he can't wait for next year. I can't wait for Kellen to join in the fun next year!

We are memory makin' machines...and Landon's perma-smile was just an added bonus!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

We loved the cookie surprise! Thank you, Landon!!