Holy Smokes has it been that long? Seven years ago LeAnn and I were joined in wedded bliss at a quaint little chapel in ... wait for it ... the MGM Grand.
Just what every little girl dreams about, right? The corny "preacher". The teal carpet. And don't forget the photo shoot afterwards, complete with the "HITCHED" license plate.
Well, I know our wedding ceremony may not have been something out of Cinderella. But you know what, I think we've done a hell of a job of living "happily ever after".
Well, I know our wedding ceremony may not have been something out of Cinderella. But you know what, I think we've done a hell of a job of living "happily ever after".
We have a great partnership. A great friendship, first and foremost. And that flows over into the love we have for each other and our family.
People say marriage is hard. LeAnn and I are getting to the age now where some of our friends are getting divorced. We see the struggles that our friends have gone through.
Not to discount what other people say, but I say marriage doesn't have to be as hard as people make it out to be. Especially when you're with someone who makes you laugh as much as LeAnn makes me. Sometimes, it's on purpose (when she makes a joke). Sometimes, it's not (when she falls up the stairs at Northglen 14). I'm not always laughing with you babe. Sometimes I'm laughing at you.
I'd be lying if I didn't admit there's times when we disagree or get on each other's nerves (shocking to those of you reading this blog, I'm sure). And I definitely know I'm not the easiest person to live with. Harping on LeAnn about money or whatever is probably not the best way to endear myself to her. And she certainly can't understand my fascination with tigerboard or watching a DVR'd Mizzou game at midnight after I'd already watched the game live that afternoon. And she absolutely hates my phone. She says I'm on it all the time. But I've got the data usage numbers to prove that she's actually on hers more than I'm on mine ... but that's beside the point.
I get that I can be an ass. But I also know that she loves me regardless. And I love her.
Seven years is supposed to be some sort of breaking point for marriages, I guess. The seven year-itch, they call it. Well, I feel like we're just getting started. Seven years is going to turn into 17 (that will make LeAnn cry, I guarantee it. She'll think about 10 years from now and realize Landon will be a junior in high school and she'll get misty ... guarantee it. :) Which will turn into 70, hopefully. Of course, I'll be 101 when that happens. I doubt she'll want me around that long.
Anyway, our marriage may have had a humble beginning in that quaint little chapel in the MGM Grand. But that day was just the start of the long and wonderful marriage we are living in our tiny little corner of the earth. I love you LeAnn. I know I don't say this near enough. But you're a great wife and an even better mother. Those boys adore you, even if K won't share his cars with you. And I adore you too.
Happy 7th Anniversary!
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