Sunday, April 3, 2011

Balls and Blossoms

Today, Landon wanted to play "all of the sports" with daddy.  There is no better daddy on this Earth to play "all of the sports" with than Scott Cruce.  My boys are so darn lucky to be his boys.

First on the schedule...Soccerball (we think it's very cute that Landon calls soccer "soccerball". It does make, football, soccerball.

Next up...Baseball!  Seriously, this kid can hit. I am sure every boy-mom says that! ;)
Yes... I know... he needs a haircut.
If you look between the houses you can see a tiny dot.  That, my friends, is Lan-Man's homerun ball!

I seriously love this picture.

And... in between the halves and innings and quarters, this little man continued to bring me these very beautiful flowers ( in his mind and mine too). This is just one of the million things that I love about Landon. He is sweet and thoughtful...always.  I know that with age will come school and with school will come peer pressure and with peer pressure will come the "it's not so cool to hug and kiss your mom and bring her flowers during time-outs" time.  So I will savor this boy now, at 4 1/2, and I will savor these damn dandelions...every last one of them.

The Grounds Crew. 
Looks like Kellen has his work cut out for him with this yard...yuck!
This face could NOT be any cuter.  He wants in the game. Bad.  Soon buddy, very soon.
ahhh...the curls.  I never want to forget the curls. God, I love this boy!


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