Monday, April 11, 2011

Wolf Garage

long post alert...
Yesterday, our family had the opportunity to go to Great Wolf Lodge Wolf Garage (as Landon calls it. And...if you tell him what it is really called, I get super-mad. Scott and I will probably call it Wolf Garage until we die because, well, it's cute.) for Big Brothers Big Sisters Day.  

We took Kyle and had a blast.

   BBBS is not just a rockin place for my husband to work, but an amazing organization to be around and involved with.  Walking around Wolf Garage all day, I had a full heart.  Not only because I watched my family and Kyle have a blast , but also because I watched all of these incredible relationships having fun.  BBBS guests got a special wristband, but you didn't need to see someones wrist to know that they were with "us".  I saw many different people, of all ages and races, smiling from ear-to-ear throughout the day.  I watched men run around like children, playing basketball, going down slides and just enjoying themselves with their "little".  I watched women swimming, holding hands and laughing out loud with their "little".  While my very own (from the womb) "little" was napping on my chest, I watched the matches sit at the tables, eating what they just got from the snack bar, and they were talking. Really talking. Sitting down with these kids, looking them in the eyes and talking. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could tell the kids were happy and felt special. And I could tell that the "Bigs" knew that what they were doing for these kids was special too.

You see, sometimes I get annoyed with BBBS.  All of the late(ish) nights. And events on the weekends...oh, all of the events my husband has to do. And the 40 minute drive to pick-up Kyle. But yesterday, all was forgiven and I realized that BBBS is so very much more than all of that other stuff. In fact, I realized that all of that other stuff is very worth it!

Now, on to some awesome pictures I got of my family! Enjoy...

let the fun begin!

i love the light shining  through my baby's ears.

i am pretty much obsessed with this picture.  i love the light...and the fat baby arms. :)

i love scott's shadow in this picture.

landon was so proud of this accomplishment! :)

happy baby

immediately after: "mom! the water made my pants fall down...see (turning around showing the world his bum)!!" :)

i love that this baby can ignore the chaos and relax on his mommy. anywhere.

the only injury of the day = success!! 
i swear, my family did not blind the entire water park.  i think it's a mix of my poor camera skills and the incredible tone of kyle's skin... and (maybe) that the cruce clan hasn't seen the sun in a very. long. time.
It was a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok boys lets get nkd and go to the showers it is time for sucky sucky f--ky f--ky